From the moment your kid enters elementary school, the birthday party invites start flowing. Soon, it can feel like he or she is invited to a classmate’s birthday party almost every single weekend. With the dozens of festivities you attend each year, sometimes it begins to seem as though once you’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all.
The next time your little one is due to celebrate a trip around the sun, why not help them plan a birthday party that literally defies gravity? One where it’s ok and even encouraged to be bouncing off the walls!
A visit to a trampoline park is a perfect way to work off all that extra sugar intake and a unique, super fun way to celebrate. And Urban Air is much more than a trampoline park. We’re an indoor adventure park. Whether you want to go the more classic route, with cake, pizza, party favors, and the like, or really change it up with a glow-in-the-dark motif, our Party Reservations Specialists can help.
Now all you need to do is decide on a theme! Whether your birthday boy or girl is into cartoons, Pixar movies, video games, books, superheroes, or fictional creatures, we can help you incorporate them into his or her celebration.
Here are just a few ideas to get you started:
Superheroes Aren’t Afraid of the Dark
Image from Anders Ruff Custom Designs via photopin cc
Picture this: the lights are off, the lasers are flickering, the strobe lights are strobing, and black lights provide just enough illumination to see. Then, out of shadows emerges your son or daughter, fully dressed as his or her favorite superhero!
Whether they prefer the red, white, and blue route like wonder woman, or have their hearts set on black and yellow like batman they’re sure to remember the time they celebrated as their favorite crime fighter.
Invite the other children to dress up as their favorite superhero heroes too, but make sure your special little guy or gals is the only one saving the world as their character of choice.
(Note: GLOW Birthday Parties at participating Urban Air parks are offered on selected Fridays each month and sell out weeks in advance so book your party online ASAP!)
Hungry for Hunger Games
For those making their entry into the double digits or pre-teen years, why not propose they do a take on literary teen powerhouses Katniss Everdeen or Peeta Mellark from Suzanne Collins trilogy The Hunger Games?
Wall-to-wall trampolines can serve as pretend training stations or active battlegrounds!
Super Mario, Super Fun
Playing video games is usually a sedentary, often solo pastime. However recreating those games in real life, bouncing from trampoline bed to trampoline bed puts the active in this fun activity.
Whether super Mario or Sonic the hedgehog pique their interest, they’ll really enjoy this whole new level of interaction with their favorite video game.
Lego Land
Legos are a classic kid’s toy that has seen a huge resurgence in recent years. Malls now have entire stores dedicated to colorful building blocks and figurines.
These beloved little guys span all age groups, including avid adult collectors, and make for a fantastic theme due to their bright colors. Their classic shape is also easily recreated from shoeboxes for easy, DIY decorations! Check out this awesome Buzzfeed post on how to outfit your entire party with all things lego from piñatas to cupcakes to candles!
And yes, we most certainly can cut your pepperoni pizza into little lego squares.